• Cookies

    Coconut Lime Crinkle Cookies Have Me Dreaming of Summer

    I have been on a citrus kick for the past couple of weeks and I don’t think it will stop anytime soon. This time of year I tend to make a ton of things with citrus, I think it has something to do with the cold temperatures. These Coconut Lime Crinkle Cookies are great for when you are missing your winter trip to anywhere warm, or if you need something for a Cinco De Mayo. These cookies will hit the spot for sure! I normally don’t like coconut, I make things with coconut cause Kevin does, but these cookies I ate more of them than Kevin did. I seriously could…

  • Cookies

    Easy and Delicious Kitchen Sink Cookies.

    This weekend it has been hot here in Southern Alberta, and being fair-skinned I need to either wear a ton of sunscreen, stay in the shade, or in the house. I opted to stay in the house on Saturday and do something productive like clean out my pantry. I’m sure I”m not the only one that has 1/4 bags of peanuts, shredded coconut, raisins, and a hodgepodge of other items. I thought I would make these delicious Kitchen Sink Cookies to use up the leftover bags of items to help with the cleanup. This recipe is pretty forgiving, you can substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you have on…

  • Dessert,  Muffins

    Morning Glory Muffins

    This week seemed to be a struggle for me. I felt like I was always running late, even though I wasn’t, and I was having terrible sleep. Kiki seemed to need to go outside every 2 hours, which was awesome. Needless to say, I was not eating breakfast due to the fact that I felt like I was always running behind. I decided on Wednesday that I needed to make something that I could eat in the car on the drive to work. I made these Morning Glory Muffins and they were way better than I thought they would be! I normally don’t like a lot of things in my…